Featuring the audio recordings of Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen,
Mp3 downloads along with physical cds,
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Covenant Media Foundation has put together a product that offers several convenient features at an outstanding price. We have collected 74 lectures by Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen on The Book of Revelation, and also includes A Brief Survey and Confidence About the Future, all contained on one Flash Drive. This contains rich material that many have found to be an outstanding study.
On this 1GB Flash Drive, you will receive:
Mp3 Lectures:
Recording quality is diminished on some files but the content is excellent.
GB666 A Word of Encouragement
GB667 A Call to Victory: Rev 1:4—3:22
GB668 A Promise of Vindication: Rev 4:1—18:24
GB669 A Vision of Triumph: Rev 19—22:21
GB108a Should You Study Revelation?: Rev 1:1-3
GB108b Christ the Faithful Witness: Rev 1:4-6
GB109 A Nation of Kings and Priests: Rev 1:6-7
GB110 Outpouring of the Spirit: Rev 1:7
GB111 The Tribulation: Rev 1:9
GB112 John’s Visions: Rev 1:10-20
GB113 The Description of the Church: Rev 1:16-20
GB114 Letter to the Church at Ephesus: Rev 2:1-7
GB115 Letter to the Church at Smyrna: Rev 2:8-9
GB116 Letter to the Church at Smyrna (cont.): Rev 2:9-11
GB117 Letter to the Church at Pergamum: Rev 2:12-17
GB118 Letter to the Church in Thyatira: Rev 2:18-20
GB119 Letter to the Church in Thyatira (cont.): Rev 2:18-20
GB120 Letter to the Church at Sardis: Rev 3:1-6
GB121 Letter to the Church at Philadelphia: Rev 3:7-13
GB122 Letter to the Church at Laodicea: Rev 3:14-22
GB123 Overcoming - Summary: Rev 1-3
GB124 Outline of Revelation: Rev 4:1
GB125 Sovereignty of God in Creation: Rev 4
GB126 Sovereignty of God in Redemption: Rev 5
GB127 Sovereignty of God in Redemption (cont.): Rev 5
GB128 Discussion: Breaking of the Seven Seals—Review: Rev 1-5
GB129 The Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse-First Four Seals: Rev 6:1-8
GB130 Fifth and Sixth Seals: Rev 6:9-17
GB131 The Sealing of the Saints: Rev 7:1-4
GB132 The Identification of the 144,000: Rev 7:4-9
GB133 What is the Great Tribulation?: Rev 7:9-13
GB134 Summary of the Seven Seals: Rev 7:14-17
GB135 Critique of Cyclical Approach & Overview: Rev 8-22
GB136 Review and Preview-Revelation: Rev 1-22
GB137 Overview: The First Enemy-Jerusalem: Rev 8-12
GB138 Overview: The Second Enemy-Rome: Rev 13-18
GB139 The Seventh Seal Opened: Rev 8:1-13
GB140 The Abyss Opened: Rev 9:1-20
GB141 Roman Locusts: Rev 8:13-9:21
GB142 Christ the Avenger: Rev 9:1-21
GB143 Mystery of God Finished: Rev 10:1-7
GB144 Contents of the Little Book: Rev 10:8-11:2
GB145 Two Witnesses: Rev 11:1-13
GB146 Kingdom Became Christ’s: Rev 11:14-19
GB147 Universal Triumph of God’s People on Earth: Rev 11:14-19
GB148 Universal Triumph of God’s People on Earth: Rev 11:14-19
GB149 Universal Triumph of God’s People on Earth (cont.): Rev 11:14-19
GB150 Topical Summary: Rev 1:11
GB151 The Red Dragon, Woman, and Child: Rev 12
GB152 The Red Dragon, Woman, and Child (cont.): Rev 12
GB153 The Beast: Rev 13
GB154 The Beast and Human Culture: Rev 13
GB155 The Beast (cont.): Rev 13:11-17
GB156 The Struggle and the Resistors: Rev 13
GB157 Identification of the First Beast: Rev 13
GB158 Identification of the First Beast (cont.): Rev 13
GB160 Visions and Angels: Rev 14:6-11
GB161 Angels and the Savior: Rev 14-15
GB162 The Seven Bowls of Wrath: Rev 16
GB163 The Judgment of Rome: Rev 17:1-18
GB164 The Fall of Rome: Rev 18
GB165 Two Suppers and Armageddon: Rev 19
GB166 The Essence of the Three Millennial Views: Rev 20
GB167 The Essence of the Three Millennial Views (cont.): Rev 20
GB168 The Essence of the Three Millennial Views (cont.): Rev 20
GB169 The Essence of the Three Millennial Views (cont.): Rev 20
GB170 Conclusion of the Book of Revelation: Rev 20-22
GB1740 Understanding the Book of Revelation
GB1741 The Millennial Question
GB1742 The Triumph of the Gospel