Mp3 Format
These lectures are encoded as Mp3 files and are readable by any CD player with an Mp3 decoder. They may be transferred to an Mp3 player, or converted to standard CD disc as wave audio files (software required).
Loving the Law:Part of the BASIC TRAINING SERIES, this is the best set to introduce the topic of "theonomic" ethics. Easy to understand-assumes no prior knowledge of the subject.
The Place of God's Law:Many believers and modern teachers are confused about the authority of the Old Testament law in the life of the New Testament Christian. You will appreciate the refreshing nature and concrete help given by Dr. Bahnsen's clear and biblically-based analysis of this relevant subject. This is a very practical explanation of "theonomic" ethics.
A Theonomic View of Politics:What has been especially challenging (and controversial) about theonomic ethics is its view of applying God's word to the political arena. Dr. Bahnsen offers an explanation and defense of the theonomic view of politics, summarized in key premises, at Westminster Seminary (Escondido) in 1982.
Theonomic Approach to Ethics I: What does the "theonomic" view of ethics really maintain? Many people (especially critics) are pretty far off the mark here. Dr. Bahnsen, author of Theonomy in Christian Ethics, explains in these easily understood lectures what the Bible teaches about the continuing normativity of the Old Testament law and its relevance for modern politics. Great summary presentation of the "theonomic" position.
Theonomic Approach to Ethics II: This set continues the discussion of "theonomic" ethics, making application of the thesis and addressing particular ethical questions facing our culture today.
A Brief Synopsis of Theonomy:Much of the controversy over "theonomy" is the result of misinformation and distortion by opponents. These lectures by Dr. Bahnsen set out, in brief form, a summary of the theonomic position.
Theonomy vs. Autonomy:Dr. Van Til wrote in Christian Theistic Ethics, "There is no alternative but that of theonomy and autonomy." It must be either God's law or man's law. Dr. Bahnsen sets forth the antithesis between these two ethical systems and demonstrates why Christians must maintain a theonomic view of ethics.
Theonomy and Its Critics:Dr. Bahnsen responds to various critics and criticisms offered against the theonomic view of ethics, demonstrating that they fall short of overthrowing the theonomic position.
Has Westminster Found a Critique for Theonomy?:Dr. Bahnsen responds to Westminster Seminary's book: Theonomy: A Reformed Critique, demonstrating that his critics have either misrepresented his position or misrepresented the Bible.