Featuring the audio recordings of Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen,
Mp3 downloads along with physical cds,
dvds and books.
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This multimedia CD which was originally included inside the Third Edition of Theonomy in Christian Ethics includes PDF copies of 3 more books, 4 articles by Dr. Bahnsen and 20 audio lectures.
The contents are as follows:
PDF versions of books by Greg L. Bahnsen:
Theonomy in Christian Ethics
NOTE: CMF thanks the Institute for Christian Economics for their permission to include their electronic versions of the following books on this CD:
By This Standard: The Authority of God’s Law Today
No Other Standard: Theonomy and Its Critics
House Divided: The Break-up of Dispensational Theology
PDF versions of articles by Greg L. Bahnsen:
“My Lord and My Life” (personal testimony)
“What is ‘Theonomy’?”
“The Theonomic Antithesis to Other Law-Attitudes”
“The Theonomic Thesis in Confessional and Historical Perspective”
PDF versions of CMF Catalog of other materials by Greg L. Bahnsen:
NOTE: Other CMF resources are available at the CMF Online Catalog: www.cmfnow.com
Bahnsen Resource Catalog
MP3 Audio Files by Greg L. Bahnsen:
Theonomic Approach to Ethics (I) [1978]
Who’s in Charge Here? (Luke 6:44).
Has God Changed His Mind? (Matthew 5:16-20).
How is the Old Testament Old? (Hebrews 8:13—10:1)
No King but Caesar? (John 19:15).
When is Punishment Criminal? (Hebrew 2:1-4).
The Law: To Criticize or Obey? (James 4:1-12)
Theonomic Approach to Ethics (II) [1978]
Do We Need External Rules in Christian Ethics?
God’s Law as a Pattern for Social Righteousness.
The Current Question of Homosexuality.
The Current Question of Capital Punishment.
Social Ethics and the Westminster Confession of Faith.
Abortion and General Questions and Answers.
Theonomy and Its Critics [1980]
Answer to Meridith Kline.
Hermeneutical Criticisms.
Law Categorization Arguments.
Exegetical Criticisms.
Church/State Criticisms.
Penal Sanction Criticisms.
Has Westminster Seminary Found a Critique for Theonomy Yet?
Part One
Part Two