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From the Inside Cover:
Festschrift: [German: Fest, festival; Schrift, writing: A volume of articles or essays by colleagues and admirers, serving as a tribute or memorial especially to a scholar.]
Dr. Greg L. Bahnsen was one of the most effective Christian apologists and teachers of apologetics of the twentieth century. His work consistently underscored the abiding authority of the Word of God and the need to apply it to all of life. In addition to his powerful work in the area of apologetics, His seminal book, Theonomy in Christian Ethics is still challenging the church to honor all of Gods word as the only perfect standard of righteousness.
Known for his rigorous logic and theological depth, Dr. Bahnsens scholarship and teaching always delivered sixteen ounces to the pound. His intellectual gifts and debating skills won him many devoted friends as well as many foes. Great men have great struggles. The hard work of theological precision can rarely be accomplished without controversy, but Bahnsens love for Christ and His church drove him to press on through the inevitable battles. We are all richer for such faithful warriors. Bearing the standard of Gods word as the only inerrant and authoritative rule by which men must live, Bahnsen stood fast and firm in a day of ethical relativism and ecclesiastical compromise.
This festschrift seeks to acknowledge the enormous contribution Dr. Bahnsen made to the Christian church; a contribution that has and will continue to provide a positive influence in the kingdom of God for many, many years to come. Each of the contributors to this volume owe a debt of love and gratitude to Dr. Bahnsen, not only for the labor and instruction he provided for them, but also for his kind and personal affection.